The documentary film ‘A Fleeting Dream’ directed by Darko Lungulov premiered in front of a packed hall of MTS Hall as part of the programme of the 51st FEST. It is a story about a rock and roll band that outlived the country it was named after, but it is also a story about a family, because it follows the three Jelić brothers (Dragi, Žika and Rade) who were born and grew up together in Yugoslavia.
The documentary film about one of the longest-lived rock bands on the Serbian music scene was filmed for seven years and includes 80 years of life, more than 60 years of playing rock and roll, more than 50 years of YU grupa, but also 45 years of a former country. In addition to the original recordings by director Lungulov, a lot of archival material and unreleased Super 8 films of the Jelić family were used.
‘I just wanted to thank the Jelić family for putting their trust in me and never asking for anything and trusting me. I am grateful that they let me into their lives. I am grateful to Petar Jelić for the original music. I would like to thank FEST, which made this meeting with YU grupa happen for all of us, and I thank Jugoslav Pantelić and the FEST management’, Lungulov said after the premiere, also thanking some of his associates.
Before the premiere, as befits rock stars, members of YU grupa walked the red carpet with their families, followed by journalist microphones and cameras The longest-running rockers from the audience were supported by numerous colleagues such as Zvonimir Đukić Đule, Ivan Fece Firči, Dejan Cukić, Nikola Čuturilo Čutura, Srđan Gojković Gile, as well as rock critic Petar Peca Popović, rock photographer Brajan Rašić and many others.
‘A Fleeting Dream’ is part of the FEST Focus selection and it is shown on 3 March (12 p.m.) in MTS Hall and on 4 March (5.00 p.m.) in Cineplexx Ušće.